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It is quite unfortunate that Prostate cancer does not have any warning signals. It is not very easy to find out about the Prostate cancer. Usually, people will not be able to find out about the Prostate cancer. However, there are certain signals that can let you know about the presence of Prostate cancer in your body. There are certain Prostate cancer symptoms that you should be aware about:
- Difficulty initiating and/or stopping a urine stream
- Frequent urination
- Pain on urination
- Pain on ejaculation
Men above the age of 50 years should go for regular screening of Prostate cancer, especially if you are an American, African-American or European. Also, if you have a family history of Prostate cancer, as in, if your brother or father has suffered from Prostate cancer, it is extremely important that you should go for regular check-up for Prostate cancer.
Consider following Prostate cancer symptoms. Even if you have a single one of these symptoms, it is crucial to go for screening.
Urinary Tract infection- Under this condition, men might experience frequent urination, especially during night accompanied with fever, burning or painful urination and urgency to urinate.
Bladder Obstruction- In this Prostate cancer symptom condition, men would experience no urination or urination despite consuming a lot of liquid, pain arising out of bull bladder and producing little urine even after straining.
Acute kidney failure- Not urinating at all or urinating very less is also a Prostate cancer symptom.
Deep pain- Pain might occur in upper thighs, bones, muscles, hips and lower back. In case you often experience, bone fracture, it could be a sign of Prostate cancer that has spread to other parts of the body, may be bones.
Besides all these Prostate cancer symptoms, spinal cord compression is the first and true indication of cancer. This would occur if the Prostate cancer has spread to spine as well as tailbone region.
Any of these symptoms of Prostate cancer should be immediately consulted with the doctor. Failure of getting Prostate cancer detected can make you land into the death bed and if no death, it can cause extreme harm such as permanent damage to spinal cord.
Article Source: sooperarticles.com/health-fitness-articles/cancer-articles/right-step-towards-prostate-cancer-symptoms-612397.html
About Author:
Prostate cancer symptoms should be known to all the men since it is one of the most common types of cancer among men.Author: Ashish Pandey